Veterans & Soldiers Coffee
Thursday May 30th 0700 hrs- 1000 hrs
After last month’s record breaking Coffee we are looking forward to having another successful social gathering! Did you see the RBRA banner Keith had made up? Take you picture with a mate in front of the banner to prove you were there!!!

Location: Keith’s Kitchen located in the BAA Car Park on Woodlands Road. All ranks and all members are encouraged to come out!

Change of Command Ceremony
Friday May 31st 16:00 hrs

Members are invited to view the Change of Command Ceremony at Warwick Camp where Lt Col BL Beasley will hand over command of the Royal Bermuda Regiment to Lt Col DER Simons. Guests are asked to be seated by 15:45 hrs
Dress: Smart

The RBRA would like to thank Lt Col Beasley for his unwavering support of the association since its inception and wishes him continued success and good fortune. We would also like to congratulate Lt Col Simons on his promotion and we look forward to supporting him and the RBR in his new role!

The Annual Fishing Tournament organized and run by The Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess (WOs & Sgts Mess) of the Royal Bermuda Regiment (RBR) will be on Sun, 2 Jun 24. The alternative dates are Sun, 9 or 16 Jun 24 pending weather.
Do you fish or do you just talk about fishing? Put your money where your rod holder is and go fishing!

WOs & Sgts Mess – Fishing Tournament 2024– Click the link to left. 

Annual General Meeting REMINDER

The Members of the Royal Bermuda Regiment Association are hereby advised of the Annual General Meeting to be held at 7:00 pm on Thursday June 20th 2024 at the Junior NCOs Mess at Warwick Camp.

Dress is smart.

1) Call to order

2) Welcome and Opening Remarks

3) Opening Statement – President

4) Financial Statements – Treasurer

5) Election of Officers

6) Any Other Business

Only “RBRA members in good standing” (i.e. Membership is valid and paid in full) are eligible to run for office in the Election of Officers, nominate or vote in the election of Officers. Nomination forms will be available on at Should you have questions please email

Questions? Please let us know 535-5858